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Tmm software acquires WheezLab, a start-up publisher of software specializing in asthma monitoring

29 April 2020
With the acquisition of WheezLab, Tmm software expands its field of expertise in the digitalization of the patient care journey.

The apTeleCare software solution published by TMM software has been supporting patients with different pathologies for 10 years: renal failure, heart failure, cancer, diabetes, etc. This medical telesurveillance solution is recognized to comply with French regulatory framework and certified Class I as Medical Device.


To increase the scope of its solution, Tmm Software bought Mentalapps in September 2019, and today buys WheezLab specialized in the care of patients with asthma-related breathing difficulties.


Asthma affects 4 million people in France, and is responsible for 1,000 deaths and more than 60,000 hospitalizations each year. The digitalization of their monitoring will allow better management of these chronic patients.


This pathology requires a medical protocol that controls the various aspects of the disease, in order to offer the patient a care protocol that is as personalized as possible.

The apTeleCare solution provides digital monitoring of the evolution of the symptoms of these patients on a daily basis. It helps to respect the observance of heavy treatments for certain patients, in accordance with regulatory issues. The modules of the WheezLab digital platform help the detection of patients with severe asthma, share information between the family doctor and the hospital, offer support for therapeutic education and support patients in the control of their disease.

About Tmm Software

Created in 2009, Tmm software develops e-health software solutions for healthcare establishments, healthcare professionals and patients. The solutions proposed are present in the patient care process: from the patient's bed to his medical remote monitoring at home.

About WheezLab

Its web & mobile applications make it possible to validate medical content and facilitate exchanges between software, third-party services and connected objects. They help to improve patient support and medical monitoring by healthcare teams, by offering innovative methods, accessible advice for mobility, monitoring tools and even secure discussion spaces.