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Tmm Software honored by the LyonBiopôle competitiveness cluster

30 April 2020

The Lyonbiopôle Regional Competitiveness Cluster, which brings together 245 members including 4 SMEs located in Drôme and Ardèche, announces a great 2019 year which suggests "a strategic year" in 2020.

Lyonbiopôle is a major health competitiveness cluster in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. It brings together 245 members: SMEs, skill centers, large groups, research laboratories, etc.

It supports projects and businesses by strengthening the development of technological innovations, products and services that aim to meet the health challenges of the future.

It is actively involved at 4 major levels: drugs for human use, veterinary drugs, diagnostics and medical devices & medical technologies.

During 2019, phase IV of its support project (2019-2022) was completed.

The cluster strengthens the innovation capacity of its members and increases its visibility on a European and global scale.

In 2019, 293million euros were raised by members of the cluster, and 18 projects were funded. Since 2005, 263 projects have been supported, representing a budget of 1,088 billion euros.

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The competitiveness cluster has 245 members including 204 SMEs in the Auvergne Rhône Alpes region, and 4 in Drôme-Ardèche, including TMM Software

2020 will be marked by several highlights: new local and strategic partnerships; renewal of the cluster's identity and its range of services; implementation of new communication tools, and deployment of structuring projects.

Among the 4 members of Ardèche and Drôme, there is Tmm Software!

In Drôme, it is Apollina, based in Alixan, which designs electronic applicators used in dentistry, and Latoxan based in Portes lès Valence, specialized in the extraction of venom used in the composition of pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, etc.

In Ardèche, these are Dicartech (Annonay), which offers a device for diagnosing tissue perfusion in patients in shock, and our company: TMM Software (Guilherand-Granges) which develops software solutions specialized in e-health.
