Tmm Software products’ datasheets

Please find hereafter the links to our products.


The eHealth solution for remote medical monitoring

apTelecare is the secure remote medical monitoring solution which supports patients with various pathologies in their own home.

It ensures continuous communication between the patient and the care professionals.


MultiMed enhances patient experience and team efficiency

MultiMed is a multimedia entertainment and medical information solution that can be used for both in-patients in healthcare centers or for out-patients.

The platform provides effective communication between patient and services and improves the patient experience.

The collaborative e-health platform

With MEDICALSPACE, a true collaborative platform dedicated to health care professionals, you can rapidly contact a colleague, obtain a document about a patient, share information or take part in a chat group easily and in complete security.

Cooperation with medical authorities guarantees the security and confidentiality of data which are hosted by a Ministry-approved medical data hosting service provider.

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